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Projectes de manteniment i serveis. Projectes de manteniment i serveis. 26 de febrer de 2018. 20 de febrer de 2018.
Josep Farrer Claret
Josep Farrer Claret
Can Mabres s/n
- The REAL Economic Consulting Team. The firm is currently located in Halifax Metropolitan Region and Sydney, Nova Scotia. Conducted hundreds of economic forecasting and consulting projects;.
A new standard for filling and. Closing of cans and jars. With our V-matic machine you can evacuate, aerate and seam cans with a high efficiency. You are always in control of your machine with our Master Control with Touchscreen HMI and remote maintenance. Swiss Can Machinery Filling and Closing Machines for cans and jars. Visit us at the Interpack 2020.
On i qui som? PRODUCTES FRESCOS I DE QUALITAT. Tot en alimentació i més. Gràices, Cap de Creus, dia 1 de gener 2012, 8h15 del matí. Molts records i una abraçada ben forta.